You know those cute little hermit crabs you see being sold at little beach shops when you go on vacation? Well let me tell you how bad they had it and STILL have it. FIrst off, they were minding their own business when all of a sudden, a giant net came down and caught tons of them, toting them off to a cold dark dry bin with a lid on it. Some of the crabs were killed instantly when ripped from their shells. Others died from stress, they stress easily and drop their limbs ...
Hab jetzt von Bare den XCD2 Tec Dry. Bin super zufrieden. Abgesehen davon, dass ich mich jetzt auch mal alleine anziehen kann, komm ich jetzt beim Tauchen viel leichter an meine Ventile. Mit dem Zip hinten quer war das schon teiweise nur mit kleinen .... Begin your dive class at home then finish on vacation. Facilities in Seattle, San Francisco, San Jose, Monterey, Maui, and Key Largo, Florida. Badgat Nitrox and Technical Dive .. Nitrox and Technical Scuba Dive Training, ...